Well ... I'm apparently crazy. In my list of people who follow (all of whom I also visit frequently), I noticed I could no longer see my first follower this morning. Carly, where did you go? Then tonight, my second follower Jenny. What am I doing wrong?!
Then I noticed that because of two new followers, my blog can't display all the followers in one thingy (the application thing in the side bar).
Whew ... I was worried Carly and Jenny didn't love me anymore.
P.S. My newest followers, The Wedding Corner (tonight), Miss Want (this morning) and The Professional Bridesmaid (a couple days ago) are all great blogs, too. I suggest you visit them!
9 hours ago
Carly, btw - I was quite worried you'd left. When Jenny disappeared, that's when I investigated, but when Carly disapppeared, I truly thought she'd left. I wondered what I had done to offend my blog-twin!
You are too funny. That definitely sounds like a me moment. I'm glad your followers are still around! I know I am!
You are way too funny :-)
Thanks for the comment. You have a GREAT blog too...hey! that is why I am following it :-)
~ Lilian ~
I didn't stop following you!! And yes I still love you!! I've been crazy busy lately-I have been a bad blogger. I still need to post my tag and do a recap of Bella's wedding!! Maybe today or tomorrow...I want to do it before Bella comes back from her honeymoon :)
Hehe. You're too funny. Thanks for the shout out!
it's weird that blogger does that, isn't it? On some blogs it shows an even number, on others an odd. On some it just cuts a couple faces off. Bizarro. Hey--at least you didn't lose followers, but hey--how could you? Fun blog!
Krista, you're crazy! Of course I still love you!!! I've been a bit of a ghost in the blogging world this week (haven't posted ALL week!) But I would never take you off my "follower" list. That's strange to read that Blogger does that.
I would never abandon my "blog twin"! :) xoxo
Thanks for the shoutout !!
I also heart J Crew and sadly can't order it either !!
I just found your blog and love your style and can totally relate to momentary panic when you thought perhaps you'd done something to make your followers disappear!
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