At my work, we celebrate Earth Week, so we have lots going on for me to do. And I'm one of the organizers, but I'm finding both the organizing and the participating to be lots of fun.
Things I'm doing for Earth Week:
-I received a free, reusable grocery bag that was made from recycled water bottles (my employer purchased one for every employee in our district)
-I purchased 25 biodegradable, compostable bags for 5 for $2. My employer had purchased a lot of these bags last year, and sold during Earth Week last year and again this year with all the money from these bags being sold is going to a charity called Threads Of Life. This is not the proceeds, but all the money - so it's a loss to my employer. Threads Of Life is a charity to support people who have been severely impacted by workplace injuries and families of those who were killed by workplace injuries. I think it only exists in Canada, but most countries have a similar charity.
-I will be attending a "lunch and learn" on composting and my city's new "Green Bin" program. This program is neat - you put your compost in a green bin that the city picks it up every week to compost.
-At work, I will be distributing a quiz. I wrote the quiz, which is about 15 questions, so I won't be completing it. The questions are all from Earth Day. Maybe I'll post them on here to see how you all do!
-Along with a dozen or so co-workers, I'm going to a local park to clean it up. With safety gloves, of course. And we won't be touching sharps or hazardous materials.
I should clarify that at my workplace, if you participate in Earth Week in any of the above options, or if you come to work in a sustainable manner (bicycle, carpool, telecommute, etc), you are entered in a draw to win a carbon monoxide detector or a fire extinguisher.
Your home should have both. Do you?
1 day ago
Awesome, Krista. It's great to see your employer (and you) getting so involved.
By the way, are you getting excited for your wedding!? So close!!
You are so earth friendly! I love it!
I'm impressed! Happy Earth day!
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