This bride did not even complete elementary school. She has goals of becoming a model. She's 16, her husband is 17. Her wedding cost $100,000, all paid for by her father (who is just 33, by the way). And she wore this:
This dress weight 425 lbs. That is all I will say about this dress:
These images are all from this website.
3 hours ago
I'm at a loss for words! 425 pounds - how is that even possible?!?
Oh my goodness! I found this website today and laughed out loud. How awful!!
I'm not one to judge, but at some point a friend should have told girl in pic#1 she should really not wear lingerie as her dress, and #2, well at 10 lbs i probably would have ditched that dress! Hilarious!
Apparently, the 425 lb dress required several friends to help. The dress was so pouffy that she did not fit through the church doors. Her friends had to push her through!
Haha!!! Hilarious :)
I think if I remember right the bottom dress is a 16 or 17 year old girl as well.
These are just proof of the wedding a teenager would plan if she has unlimited funds.
Honestly ... what parent lets their child get married at 16, 17? When your parents have to sign your permission form, it's too young to get married.
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